Bax Innovation Consulting SL (Bax & Company)
Bax & Company is a leading European innovation consultancy. We help corporate directors, entrepreneurs and policymakers to create, execute and manage cutting-edge science and technology-enabled initiatives that deliver substantial societal, environmental and economic impact.

Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam (ERASMUS MC)
As a university medical center, Erasmus MC has a great responsibility to help solve social issues related to health. The recently adopted research strategy 2023-2029 ‘Focus on Societal Challenges as driver on Research, clarifies the direction we want to take as a scientific organization at the center of society. The strategy, which is in line with Erasmus MC’s mission and core values, describes how we can increase the impact of our research and strategically deploy the limited resources available for scientific research. And how we, together with our stakeholders, can effectively contribute to solutions, now and in the future.

Sveuciliste u Rijeci, Medicinski Fakultet (MEDRI)
The mission of the Faculty of Medicine as a public teaching and scientific institution is to educate students of medicine, sanitary engineering, medical laboratory diagnostics, pharmacy, as well as other cadres in the field of biomedicine and health and other interdisciplinary areas to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for the prevention of diseases, preservation and improvement of health, patient treatment and rehabilitation and sustainable development of the society.

Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (FISABIO)
The Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of Valencia Region, FISABIO, is a nonprofit scientific and healthcare entitiy, whose primary purpose is to encourage, to promote and to develop scientific and technical health and biomedical research in Valencia Region. FISABIO integrates and manages the Health Research Map of the Centre for Public Health Research, Dr. Peset University Hospital Foundation, Alicante University General Hospital Foundation, Elche University General Hospital Foundation, and the Mediterranean Ophthalmological Foundation. In addition, FISABIO assumes the scientific activity of other 18 Health Departments. FISABIO provides service to more than 1,500 healthcare professionals within the Valencia network, who are specialists working in research projects and clinical trials managed by the Foundation.

Senior Europa Sociedad Limitada (Kveloce)
KVELOCE IS A LEADING CONSULTING COMPANY SPECIALISING IN RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION. ​ At Kveloce, our mission is to provide researchers with the resources required in order to generate knowledge and scientific outputs improving our society. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive consulting services and strategic guidance in securing European financing for impactful projects.

Instituto de Polibienestar. Universitat de Valencia (UVEG)
The Research Institute on Social Welfare Policy (POLIBIENESTAR) is one of the research institutes at Universitat de Valéncia. Well-known internationally, its main research areas are innovation in social technology, technical advising and training in the social policy field.

Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV)
The UPV is a Spanish public university based in Valencia. The UPV is organized into a higher technical school, two faculties and a doctoral school, which are responsible for organizing the teaching of 39 degrees, 9 double degrees, 77 master’s degrees, 12 double master’s degrees and 30 doctoral programs. It has 42 departments and 45 research centers and institutes.
Sister initiatives we work with

PALLIAKID Comprehensive Paediatric Palliative Care
PALLIAKID is an interdisciplinary project aimed at evaluating the feasibility, efficacy and cost-effectiveness of novel interventions for children, adolescents and young people with palliative and end-of-life care needs in different European healthcare systems, focusing on those factors valued by patients and their carers.

EU Navigate
A European project investigating navigation programmes in different EU countries. Navigation programmes support older people with cancer and declining health throughout their trajectory to live as well as possible at home.
Specially-trained navigators help older people and their families access needed resources and services, while providing companionship and support.

In-Touch Horizon Europe
The In-Touch project, aims to enhance the #quality of life for individuals with advanced dementia. Led by the University College of Cork (UCC), a research group of 13 institutions across the EU, UK, and Canada, will investigate a comprehensive, non-pharmacological intervention for dementia.
This study will be trialled in 56 care homes across seven countries, focusing on palliative care, staff training, and improving well-being through tailored, multi-sensory activities for residents and their families.

CO-CAPTAIN is the project that aims to co-adapt the patient navigation model for primary cancer prevention and tailor it to the specific needs of people with mental ill-health and identify implementation strategies for local communities in 4 pilot sites.

MAGNO is an EU-funded project tackling food packaging waste through innovation, sustainability, and circular economy strategies. It aims to improve packaging design, reduce environmental impact, and support EU Green Deal goals.