The team of our partner, MEDRI, from the Department of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia, is carrying out different dissemination activities within the Rijeka pilot study.
On 15 March 2024, the final version of the online questionnaire ‘Barometar zdravlja stanovnika grada Rijeke’ was created:
- Barómetre form or via QR code, and the invitation letter to citizens was sent to 60,000 addresses as an attachment to residents with monthly housing bills in Rijeka.
In addition, the team prepared printed copies for distribution to various locations in the city, institutions and as well as clubs for older persons.
The MEDRI team has already prepared and sent the invitation (below) for the main information platform of the Rijeka Housing and Municipal Services Company in Rijeka, and printed promotional material.
The Prof.dr. Tomislav Rukavina, prof.dr. Zlatko Trobonjača and associate prof. Sven Maričić, the last 8 May 2024, participated in the 50- minute TV programme ‘Rijeka zdravlja’ on the regional TV channel Kanal Ri where they presented the HORUS project and talked about the ‘Rijeka citizens health barometer’ and invited the citizens of Rijeka to answer this already distributed questionnaire.
The interview was published on the homepage of KANAL RI: in the form of the latest regional news WATCH THE INTERVIEW and on the youtube channel.
MEDRI Participation in the 30th Motovun Summer School of Health Promotion.
May 14, 2024, Pula, Croatia
The 30th Motovun Summer School of Health Promotion was held from May 14-16, 2024 in multiple locations of the Istrian Peninsula: Pula, Poreč, and Labin. The first day, on May 14th the conference titled “Availability of Information for Strategic Planning for Local Health” was held in Pula at the conference hall of the CoWorking Center .
This part of the School program is primarily intended for the coordinators of the healthy city and healthy project county, heads and expert associates of city/ county administrative departments and employees of the County Public Health Institutes.
MEDRI team members Assoc. Prof. Dr. sc. Darko Roviš, Assoc. Prof. Sven Maričić and Dr. sc. biomed Denis Juraga presented on the topic “Urban Health Determinants of the City of Rijeka: The HORUS Project Example”.
The presentation included relevant information about HORUS project, its partners, objectives and goals.
The presentation also featured a demonstration of the initial computer solution – an interactive website Healthy Cities Generator:, which was met with great interest by the audience. Following the presentation, a discussion ensued with detailed professional questions from the audience. After the lecture and presentation, work continued in smaller groups to define the information needed by cities and counties to effectively approach planning in the process of shaping and implementing health policies.
Media Outreach- 30th Motovun Summer School of Health Promotion.
- Počinje svečano obilježavanje 30. Motovunske ljetne škole unapređenja zdravlja – Istra24
- Riječki projekti predstavljeni na 30. Motovunskoj ljetnoj školi unapređenja zdravlja | Riportal (
- Zamjenica gradonačelnika Ivona Močenić na obilježavanju 30. motovunske ljetne škole unapređenja zdravlja | Grad Pula
- Motovunska ljetna škola unaprijeđenja zdravlja obilježila 30. godišnjicu – TV Nova Pula
- U Labinu se u sklopu motovunske ljetne škole zdravlja okupljaju stručnjaci iz zdravstvene i socijalne skrbi – Glas Istre
Some photos from MEDRI lecture and presentation:
In addition, from 15 to 17 July 2024, The inaugural Central and North European Conference on New Technologies, Society, and Development, in Pula, Croatia will be held, where keynote speakers will be members of the HORUS project.
A conference bringing together academics and industry specialists to advance technological knowledge with presentations and dynamic discussions.
More information about the event: